Sunday, September 5, 2010


For basket:


Maida-1 cup
Chirroti rava-1/4 cup
Red chilly powder-2 tsp
Salt-to taste
Oil-as required
Omam -1tsp


Mix Maida, rava ,red chilly powder, little bit hot oil   and salt altogether mix well. If necessary add some water.
Make a soft dough. In a pan heat oil for deep frying.
Take a small  lemon size dough, and make it as a small chapatti.
In the middle of the chapatti, make small  wholes, so that while frying it ll not  come like Pori.
Take a small cups and wrap the cup by the chappati.
Remove the excess dough from the corners.
Deep fry with cups. once fried the cup ii come out. so  do it one by one.
Cup shape is ready.

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