Sunday, September 5, 2010



Wheat flour-full 1 cup
Joggery-1 cup
Water-1/4 cup
Cardamom powder-1tsp


In a pan take joggery  and ¼ cup  of water. Keep it on a medium flame stove.
 Once the joggery dissolved into the water, remove from the stove and filter it.
 Again keep it on the stove and let it boil. Add cardamom powder and 2 tsp ghee. Mix it well.
Sprinkle wheat flour to the syrup. Mix it well. Turn the stove to shim, close the pan with lid. After 5 mts  switch off the stove.
Again mix it well  and close the lid back. it ll come like soft dough. Let it cool for 5 mts. Mix the dough very well by hands.
Make small balls. In a plastic sheet apply little ghee and place the balls and gently flatten. Deep fry it and squeeze the excess oil by pressing of  2 spoons. Soft ADHIRASAM ready is to eat.

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