Sunday, September 5, 2010


Boiled basmati rice -1 cup
Carrot -1
Cabbage-1/4 cup
Sweet corn-small amount
Aginomoto-1 pinch
Salt-to taste
White pepper powder-2tsp
Spring onions
Onions[from the spring onions]


First cut the vegetables into very thin and small pieces. In a pan heat oil.
 Stove flame should be high .Add onions ,carrot ,beans, cabbage and sweet corn. Sauté it well.
 Add  White pepper powder, little black pepper powder and sauté it well .Add boiled rice and sauté it.
Sprinkle Aginomoto And mix it well. Finally garnish with spring onions. Till the end the flam should be high, then only  it will fry .Serve with tomato sauce.

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